BIPOC Scholarships Now Available

We are committed to making the practice more accessible, inclusive and diverse, which includes in training spaces and teaching roles. So when Nicole Durant mentioned she'd like to offer a BIPOC scholarship for her upcoming Restorative Training, I was grateful for her suggestion and leadership.

We're thrilled to offer our first BIPOC Scholarship for Nicole Durant's Restorative Yoga Training.

This scholarship application is open to people who identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color. The scholarship is for 50% off tuition. We're also calling in a community sponsor to match the other 50% so we can offer it at 100% off. UPDATE: Through the generosity of a community match, we are now able to offer this as a Full Scholarship!

Please help us spread the word.

DETAILS: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training at Camaraderie: April 2-6, 2025


April Practice Challenge


Let’s talk about it. Period.